Week 3: the Eye of of the Beholder
1-minute video: the Eye of the Beholder https://youtu.be/Ku7-N_mdD6I "Everything was dominated by the eye of the beholder" (McLuhan, 57). Everything starts with this quote. I went to the involvement fair a week ago, and I saw so many organizations on that day. I really appreciated the events. It was fun, and the ice cream was good. I was intrigued by this quote, so I kept it in mind. When I was standing in the corner, looking at the people, I started to think about if I perceive the involvement fair in a "beholder"'s view, I might have some different thoughts about this event. I remember there was music playing outside, but the louder musics are, the less people listen. We were all trying to convince others. We spoke louder and louder. But how much did listeners get? Did they really hear what you said? Did they really get what you said? Then I was a little bit tired of applying any music to this vid...