Valaria Tatera 

I was really impressed by how real life can be reflected by abstract in particular how she put spirits into her pieces. I appreciated her use of ribbons. They remind me of “Tibetan prayer flag”, a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along trails and peaks high in the Himalayas. Zang and Mongols hang prayer flags in order to communicate with the nature and their spirits. I was once traveling there, and I was completely astonished by the grandeur of nature and human beings. So when Tatera mentioned her idea of “SOUND, MOVEMENT, WAIT” in ribbons pieces, I saw similar expressions which was so informative. Though the piece is exhibited indoors, people bring wind when they get closer to it. I love the soft movement in ribbons. Tatera creates a space to let every ribbon and visitor gather together and listen to the “justice” that they bring to each other. It was so cool.


“The method of our time is to use not a single but multiple models for exploration-the technique of the suspended judgment is the discovery of the twentieth century as tje technique of invention was the discovery of the nineteenth” (McLuhan, 67). 

I chose this quote because it makes me think about the existence of gallery. Gallery is like the world in miniature. We use experiences and our own perceptions to understand the pieces in order to avoid bad things happening again. New socializing ways bring people into the gallery and enjoy the same moment too. And the movements of visitors are like ribbons, carrying their stories and waiting for the wind. 



  1. I like this reflection!!! It reminds me of "Tibetan prayer flag", too! After seeing your blog, I also can feel the winds when I go back to see those ribbons' picture again!

  2. The use of fabric in her work seems so important. While her work is specific, the universality of the fact that she uses cloth and ribbon is really interesting.




Week 3: the Eye of of the Beholder

Week 1: Come to my world

Week 8: Research Report